ALLTEK - Bally/Stern Ultimate MPU
The Universal Bally/Stern Replacement
Direct replacement for Bally® AS2518-17, AS2518-35, AS2518-133, and Stern® MPU-100, and MPU-200. All late model Bally® and Stern® pinball machine proms preprogrammed in a Single Chip. That is over 90 games on one chip, the most games of any replacement board on the market. Just select the game you want using a dipswitch.
- Only board to incorporate FREEPLAY mode for all Bally machines.
- No batteries needed. Never have battery damage again. Simtek chip with 100 year memory retention
- Over-voltage protection circuit.
- On-board Self-test button.
- Auto-resetable fuse protection.
- Full static protection of on board IC's.
- Test points for all dipswitches for easy testing.
- One chip reset replaces the 16-component reset on your existing board.
- On-board reset switch for easy reset without having to turn off the game.
- On-board memory clear switch.
- On-board power monitoring LED indicator.
Works in the Following Bally Games:
Baby Pac, Black Jack, Black Pyramid, BMX, Centaur, Centaur II, Cybernaut, Dolly Parton, Eight Ball, Eight Ball Deluxe, Eight Ball Deluxe Ltd, Elektra, Embryon, Evil Knievel, Fathom, Fireball II, Fireball Classic, Flash Gordon, Freedom, Frontier, Future Spa, Gold Ball, Grand Slam, Granny and the Gators, Harlem Globe Trotters, Hotdoggin, Kiss, Kings of Steel, Lost World, Mata Hari, Medusa, Mr. & Ms Pacman, Mystic, Night Rider, Nitro Ground Shaker, Paragon, Playboy, Power Play, Rapid Fire, Rolling Stone, Silverball Mania, Six Million Dollar Man, Skate Ball, Space Invaders, Speakeasy 2 & 4 Player, Spectrum, Spy Hunter, Star Trek, Strikes and Spares, Super Sonic, Vector, Viking, Voltan, X's and O's, Xenon
Works in the Following Stern Games:
Ali, Big Game, Catacomb, Cheetah, Cosmic Princess, Dracula, Dragonfist, Flight 2000, Freefall, Galaxy, Hot Hand, Iron Maiden, Lazer Lord, Lectrnamo, Lightning, Magic, Memory Lane, Meteor, Nine Ball, Nugent, Orbitor 1, Pinball, Quicksilver, Seawitch, Split Second, Star Gazer, Stars, Stingray, Trident, Viper, Wild Fyre
Works in the Following Other Games:
Black Sheep Squadron, New Fathom, New Vector, Sexy Girl, Big Ball Bowling, Big Bat Baseball, Black Beauty Shuffle, Genesis Puck Bowler
